

LaunchBox Makerspace协调员Jim Hong, 左, 帮助企业家在2023年秋季为他们的小企业建立原型.

来源:Samantha Bower

WYOMISSING,爸爸. — Since its inception, 博克斯LaunchBox has made a significant impact on the 博克斯 County community. 在过去的五年里, 博克斯LaunchBox已经帮助了582名企业家, 教授新技能1,在创客空间有100个社区成员, 为3人开设创业课程,800名社区成员, 受到了影响,042名学生(从小学到大学). 

博克斯LaunchBox is recognized as a valuable resource for entrepreneurs and innovators to help them grow their startups and develop new skills. 今年, 博克斯LaunchBox is celebrating the fifth anniversary of its expansion from Penn State Health St. Joseph’s Downtown 阅读 Campus to the GoggleWorks Center for the Arts in downtown 阅读. 扩建后,大大增强了空间和能力.

“博克斯LaunchBox一直是我们创业公司KissUX的宝贵资源, 以及我们现有的数字设计公司, 我们是仙人掌俱乐部,维拉·亨佩尔说, KissUX的联合创始人 我们是仙人掌俱乐部. “作为一个共同工作的空间, the 博克斯LaunchBox has been a great place for our team to brainstorm and hold meetings with potential investors — at no cost to us. It is safe to say that we wouldn't be where we are today without the support of the LaunchBox and all its team members. LaunchBox团队对帮助创业公司取得成功充满热情.”

吻用户体验 is a startup that is developing a cloud-based tool to streamline communication of application concepts to designers and developers.

十大正规赌博平台大全发明计划的创新中心, 博克斯LaunchBox是在2016年通过种子基金创建的. Its mission is to assist early-stage entrepreneurs and startup companies with accessing the tools and resources they need to launch and grow in Greater 阅读. 

“博克斯LaunchBox一直是我业务发展和成功的重要合作伙伴,塔隆达·罗杰斯说, owner of 4th Trimester Maternal Advocates Helping Magnify Education and Empowerment (MAHMEE). “咨询, mentorship and resources provided have been instrumental in helping me achieve my goals. 我很感激他们给予我的帮助和支持.”

博克斯LaunchBox的影响力每年都在增长. 仅在2023年, 博克斯LaunchBox has assisted 202 entrepreneurs (42% were from under-represented groups), 在其创客空间向479名社区成员教授新技能, 为500名社区成员提供创业课程, 并影响了362名学生, 从小学到大学, 有免费的课程和活动. 除了, 16名企业家获得了创意企业家加速器奖, with the help of the LaunchBox team and 14 entrepreneurs and organizations received assistance developing their prototypes.

“The expansion of the 博克斯LaunchBox into the GoggleWorks Center for the Arts allowed us to engage with our community members more directly in an accessible and innovative way. This partnership has been instrumental in our growth and in meeting our mission to support entrepreneurs while continuing to maintain low barriers to access,埃里卡·昆克尔说, director of the 博克斯LaunchBox and director of continuing education at 宾州州立银行. “We're proud to be one part of the journey for the amazing entrepreneurs in our community.”


博克斯LaunchBox holds 每月免费研讨会 for entrepreneurs and small-business owners focused on business development, 社交媒体营销, 法律问题, 知识产权, 节演讲, 最小可行产品, 集思广益,验证商业理念, 客户发现, 以及企业如何转向解决客户问题. 除了, LaunchBox提供基础CAD(计算机辅助设计)和3D打印的免费课程, as well as training in the use of available equipment and associated software through workshops where participants can create items such as laser-engraved coasters, 木制灯笼等.


博克斯LaunchBox提供免租金空间, allowing co-working companies to meet and collaborate with other entrepreneurs and mentors. 联合办公的公司可以在一年的时间里全天候使用办公空间, 会议及活动场地, 高速互联网, 法律支持, 社区联系和LaunchBox顾问. 初创公司还会在原型设计和营销方面获得帮助, 每月免费研讨会, 以及员工的支持. 


除了博克斯的LaunchBox员工, entrepreneurs can benefit from the knowledge and expertise from more than 25 advisers who dedicate up to five hours per month to supporting the success of LaunchBox entrepreneurs. Advisers offer support in a multitude of ways from guidance on accounting principles and software to prototyping assistance.


The LaunchBox staff believes that growing an entrepreneurial mindset in youth helps to develop future entrepreneurs. LaunchBox参加了重塑学习日, an innovative learning festival in which thousands of hands-on and engaging events designed for kids of all ages are held in a variety of settings around the world.  

博克斯的LaunchBox也举办活动, 与地区学校合作, and offers open lab nights for individuals and families with children to design and create items such as 3D-printed and laser-cut snowflakes, custom-engraved杯垫, 房子的迹象, 贺卡, and more – all in an effort to introduce these technologies and spark creativity and innovation. 


In 2024, 博克斯LaunchBox is expanding its Spanish-language programming to include more entrepreneurial education workshops, 在线研讨会, 交流机会和创客空间活动. The staff is working to secure funding to increase "Grow Your Startup” grants for entrepreneurs. 另外, successful coworking companies will move into a newly created "founders" status after they have graduated from 博克斯LaunchBox services and transitioned to advisers and mentors for new startups.

最后, 加上两名创客空间协调员, plans are underway to add Makerspace classes with a focus on hands-on experiences offered in both English and Spanish.

博克斯LaunchBox的任务, 位于雷丁市中心的GoggleWorks艺术中心105套房, 是支持经济发展和创业. 

博克斯LaunchBox is supported by Invent Penn State — a commonwealth-wide initiative to spur economic development, 创造就业机会和学生事业成功. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 berkslaunchbox.事业单位.edu 或致电610-396-6221或通过电子邮件联系Erica Kunkel (电子邮件保护)

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